Hello, traveler.

 Hi, hello.

I've always been bad at ice-breakers. Being someone who enjoys creative writing, one might assume that I would be naturally good at blog introductions. I hope you are pleasantly surprised by life's unbounded ability to disappoint you. (Sometimes.)

My name is Abby, always has been. I'm an English Major at Tarleton State University, I get scared of seeing people I know in the grocery store, and am still holding out for the invention of time travel. Not in a sci-fi nerd way, but in a: "I am burdened with many regrets that I wish to undo" sort of way. 

As a get-to-know-me, let's play Two Truths and a Lie:

1. I have a dog named Luke Skywalker.
2. My favorite color is orange.
3. Once on my way back from Budapest I was randomly selected to be searched inside a German airport where I was then forced to perform a song on my ukulele for the German airport police and security team.

Maybe that's not fair to include such an obvious lie... I would never name my dog after whiny Luke Skywalker. 

Life is sort of crazy; my hope is that by the end of my life I will have acquired a lot of stories to tell. I believe it was Tennessee Williams who said, "Has it ever struck you that life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quick you hardly catch it going?" 

I know you only got this far to see a picture of my dog, so here's General Obi-wan Kenobi. (Mr. Poop, affectionately.)

Please feel free to stick around for more good boy content. Or, if you have a thing for undermedicated blondes who suffer from extreme executive dysfunction -- (but make a wicked stir fry) -- glad to meet you, friend. 
